HomeCode of ConductPoliciesCode of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Please read and sign below to acknowledge that you as parent(s) of a child participating in PVCC’s tutoring programs, agree that you have read, understand, and agree to honor and abide by this Code of Conduct Policy of PVCC.

PVCC represents homeschooling, Christ’s Church, and above all, Jesus Christ to the community at large and to each other. The actions of group members should be such to make this a positive representation.

Gossip, slander, inappropriate interaction (verbal or otherwise) with another family and/or child are all examples of negative representation of PVCC and Christ.

Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Church and First Baptist Nocatee have been gracious enough to let PVCC use the church property. Out of gratitude and respect, PVCC members are expected to treat the church property with care and respect. Any damage to the Church’s property is to be paid for by the parent of the child who damaged said property.

Students are expected to be respectful in their interaction with people at all times. This includes, but is not limited to church members, bible study participants, tutors, adult volunteers, staff, and other students. PVCC expects the students to hold doors for others, address those in authority with respect, refrain from offensive language and maintain physical control.

Use of inappropriate language, rough housing, hitting, teasing and throwing objects will not be tolerated.

Action Steps:

Students If a tutor or administrator determines that a child’s behavior is disrespectful or disruptive, the student will be:

  1. Given a verbal corrective warning
  2. On the second offense in the same day, the child will be sent to the administration representative and removed from the class until the child can return to the classroom apologetically and with self control.
  3. On the third offense in the same day, the child will be removed from the class and the parent will be called to come pick up the child. At this point it would be evident that there is something going on with the child. It is our philosophy that the parent will always be the best person to minister to the heart of their child.

While our goal is to follow these steps, certain offenses will determine a different course of action. For example, the different steps may be applied at the tutor’s discretion and do not have to occur in succession. In particular, any offense that involves:

  1. Physical harm to another child
  2. Blatant defiance to authority (For example but not limited to: Talking back to those in authority, refusing to do what is being asked by the Tutor or administration, throwing objects with intent to harm someone)
  3. Vile Language
  4. Drugs


  1. If a situation arises with your child and another child, please contact the parent of the child directly to resolve the situation. PVCC will only get involved once both parents are aware of the situation.
  2. All children at PVCC will need to be addressed with their own parents present. Please do not take a child aside and speak to them about a situation without their parent. Administration reserves the right to talk to the child without their parent present to resolve issues and console/correct the child’s behavior in an effort to minimize extraneous calls to a parent. Conversations that occur between administration and a child will be communicated at the end of the day to keep parents informed.
  3. Please refrain from spreading gossip. If you hear of anything that is causing concern, please take it to the person or administration directly to get clarification.
  4. Please refrain from slandering another family either on or off campus.

If PVCC administration determines that a family has been disruptive and/or disrespectful the following steps will be taken:

  1. First offense, a family conference with administration to review PVCC Co Op policies and behavior expectations
  2. Second offense, a second family conference with administration to review PVCC Co Op policies and behavior expectations and in addition a week away from campus to regroup.
  3. Third offense, non refundable dismissal from PVCC.

PVCC reserves the right to remove a family from the co-op if there is a fundamental disagreement in PVCC’s policy or philosophy. This removal will include non refundable tuition.

Financial Responsibility:
Once a student is enrolled in PVCC, the family is financially responsible for the whole year of tuition regardless if the child completes the year.

Homeschooling Responsibility:
For a student to be considered homeschooled, the student must derive at least 51% of his education from an adult family member and/or legal guardian at home or from a parent-delegated homeschool tutor. Homeschooling can consist of any activity the parent deems as part of the child’s homeschool curriculum including activities, online education, projects, etc. Since homeschooling is daily discipleship by the parents, at least one parent must be present and supervise the student’s work in the afternoons and on non-PVCC days. If your child participates in an elective on Wednesdays, that class is not considered “PVCC tutoring services” because the elective tutors are being paid directly and are not included in PVCC tuition.

By signing this document, you are agreeing to uphold this legal standard and PVCC holds no liability for family lack of enforcement.

By filling and submitting the form, you as parent(s) of a child participating in PVCC’s tutoring programs, agree that you have read, understand, and agree to honor and abide by this Code of Conduct Policy of PVCC:

Fill & Submit Form
Code of Conduct Policy Form

Children’s Information

Please enter your child’s information below

Parent’s Information

Please enter your information below

Additional Policies

Please review and submit your acceptance of each policy

Academic Responsibility for Lower School 2024-25

Below are a few policies that you as parent(s) of a child participating in PVCC’s tutoring programs, must read, understand, and agree to honor and abide by the Policies of PVCC prior to your child starting their first day of classes.

Please Review this Policy

Academic Honor Code

PVCC Steps for Academic Success for Middle School

Please Review this Policy

Conflict Resolution

This policy outlines our general approach for how we seek to conflict at PVCC.

Please Review this Policy

Cell Phone Policy

Absolutely no cell phones/Apple Watches will be allowed on PVCC campus for lower school students.

Please Review this Policy

Waiver of Liability & Release

Below are a few policies that you as parent(s) of a child participating in PVCC’s tutoring programs, must read, understand, and agree to honor and abide by the Policies of PVCC prior to your child starting their first day of classes.

Please Review this Policy

Thanks for your submission

Next Steps

Please take the actions below to stay informed through the enrollment process. Thank you!

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