HomeCell Phone PolicyPoliciesCell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy

Please read and sign below to acknowledge that you as parent(s) of a child participating in PVCC’s tutoring programs, agree that you have read, understand, and agree to honor and abide by this Cell Phone Policy of PVCC.

Lower School (K-5th)

Absolutely no cell phones/Apple Watches will be allowed on PVCC campus for lower school students. If a child is seen with a phone or watch, the phone will be taken away and turned over to the parent at the end of the day. Repeat offenses will call for a meeting with administration.

Middle School (6-8th)

No Apple Watches Allowed

Phone pocket holders will be established by the co-op administration and kept in the main hallway downstairs. Each day, each middle school student will be responsible for putting their cell phones in the pocket with his/her name on it.

If the administration sees that a pocket is empty, the student will be called down and asked to put their cell phone in the pocket. This will be considered the 1st infraction of the cell phone policy. We will give a 2 week grace period at the start of the year to help kids get used to this procedure.

Upon the 2nd infraction of the policy, the student will not be able to bring a phone to the co-op for a week.

Upon the 3rd infraction of the policy, the student will not be able to bring a phone to the co-op for the rest of the year.

It will be the responsibility of the student to make sure their phone is put in their designated pocket first thing in the morning. This applies to Apple Watches as well.

If a child is seen with their cell phone at any point in the day by administration, volunteer or tutor, the cell phone will be taken away and returned to the parent at the end of the day. Again, this will be a 1st fraction of the policy. 2nd and 3rd infractions will be applied accordingly.

Please make arrangements with your child for doctors appointments, early pickups, etc. Renee, Angelique, Vikki and the hallway monitor will always be available to communicate with in case of an emergency.

PVCC will not be held responsible for any information shared by students. We are not an advocate for children under the age of 15 having phones based on our own experience. Therefore we are putting in rules for minimizing the accessibility to the phones. If, however, students find a way, PVCC will not be liable for the information that was shared.


By submitting the form, you as parent(s) of a child participating in PVCC’s tutoring programs, agree that you have read, understand, and agree to honor and abide by this Cell Phone Policy of PVCC:

Fill & Submit Form
Cell Phone Policy Form

Children’s Information

Please enter your child’s information below

Parent’s Information

Please enter your information below

Additional Policies

Please review and submit your acceptance of each policy

Academic Responsibility for Lower School 2024-25

Below are a few policies that you as parent(s) of a child participating in PVCC’s tutoring programs, must read, understand, and agree to honor and abide by the Policies of PVCC prior to your child starting their first day of classes.

Please Review this Policy

Academic Honor Code

PVCC Steps for Academic Success for Middle School

Please Review this Policy

Conflict Resolution

This policy outlines our general approach for how we seek to conflict at PVCC.

Please Review this Policy

Code of Conduct

PVCC represents homeschooling, Christ’s Church, and above all, Jesus Christ to the community at large and to each other. The actions of group members should be such to make this a positive representation.

Please Review this Policy 

Waiver of Liability & Release

Below are a few policies that you as parent(s) of a child participating in PVCC’s tutoring programs, must read, understand, and agree to honor and abide by the Policies of PVCC prior to your child starting their first day of classes.

Please Review this Policy

Thanks for your submission

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